I've rented a house near at where i work... and now... for the pass few weeks... i was seldom there... only sleep over there for a few days... not that i miss it... but just some times i feel i dint sleep enough there...
Is not particularly full of privacy staying there.. as i only rented a room there.. and the land lord are staying at kl... so mostly the house is only me alone(which is a good thing lah).. but from time to time they come back (without noticing) and mostly near midnight.. or after 12am... which sometimes sucks.. as i tot the house was enter by thief or wat not.. and they would enter my room without letting me know... and once my stuff were "nearly" stolen.. as one of their friends kids take the room key from them and enter my room to steal my precious GUNDAM!!!
one of my few pride MG gundam.. lukas strike gundam
Not only that.. in the process of hiding my gundam in his bag... he broke one of my working in progress gundam... i painted so hard.. but that rascal broke it just like that...
this is da gundam he broke!!! agrrh.... (pic is before it has been damage)
The thing which did piss me off other then he broke into my room (Cos i've lock the door, and he open it, go in and steal my gundam and Lock the door back.. hoping i dint notice it...(what was he thinking???))... after i found out.. and told the land lord... that little boy.. was denying it... and was shouted like super loud ( I NEVER TOOK!!! I NEVER TOOK IT!!!!)... [i guess all the neighbour can hear him shout... as if i'm the bad guy... :'( ] then i tot he was nervous and dint want to push him or scare him.. since he was like 11 year old .. or maybe younger... but then later his older brother help me go and check.. and finally found all my 6s gundam and 2 bomberman( and ya i like Japanese toys)!!! and founding that he could not hide it anymore.. he hide him self in the bathroom like for 15 minute... later his father convince him to come out.. then only he come out...
and at the night... he wrote a message for me...
how the massage was send...
and this is what he write...
Note : "I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" with the option of yes; no;
And of cos i say yes...
But just wonder.. what he would do after he grow up... if we dint caught him on his act.. will he be more daring and go for other bigger stuff?
And do you know how he can know i got gundam in my room?? .... Yes... previously the landlord did bring him in to my room (without my knowledge) and show him my stuff... and that kid wasn't even their child...
the fact till now is... i'm not very happy on the electric bill part... where like on the chinese new year i was only staying there for a week.. but the bill came in as RM37... one person? no pc no air con? in fact the only air con room was the landlord room... Good thing is that after the chinese new year the off the old fridge.. which i hope it would save me some money on the bills... (they came back and stay for a week)
but anyway.. a part from this few issue... my landlord are good people... kind.. and nice... polite too...
this house have fricking large dinosaur like gecko...
It roams from the front of the house till the back kitchen..
The landlord should speak to you personally regarding the matter. Seems like he left it between you and his son. That's not very sincere of him :S
guess they wasn't planning to tell from the start!! many types of ppl in this world... i've meet so many different type of ppl after working here... even one manager who's a pervert and snap pics of girls undies and even me taking a crap in da toilet!!! damn!!! good thing his no more here...
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